
This Website

Screenshot of this website's homepage.

This website is my most recent project, and one I plan to base future ones off of as well. It is running on a Ubuntu 22.10 web server using Nginx, hosted by Vultr. I configured it by hand using Bash scripts via PuTTY. It is configured to serve as a web host as well as a database for future projects involving mySQL and PHP. The website itself was built by hand using HTML, CSS, and PHP.


Screenshot of Exhib's homepage.

Exhib is an art gallery website built on a LAMP server provided by the UWM School of Information Sciences. It was created as part of my senior capstone project in which I and three other students developed a project proposal for a web application and then created a prototype of the application. It was a trial-by-fire class organized around the concepts of agile software developemnt. Each week I and my group created sprints that we were to complete and release to the rest of the class for testing and feedback. I served as the developer of the team, creating the database and all PHP and HTML code. It uses CSS, PHP and HTML to interact with a mySQL database also hosted on the server. Users can create accounts that are stored on the database and upload images to be associated with their account. It is capable of all CRUD operations. You can view the code here.